So, You’ve Never Done Anything Like This Before?

Your Intro Guide To Getting Started with Pole Dancing

A pole dancing student smiles happily

A pole dancing student smiles on the pole

So, you’ve never done anything like this. You’re not alone! Most of us haven’t, yet we often let the fear of the unknown keep us from experiencing the desires that silently call to us.

Are you curious about pole dancing? This is your sign! Listen to what you’re feeling, it’s tugging at you for a reason. Whether you desire to feel sexy, free, confident, or more comfortable in your skin, the moment is here; you just have to let yourself have it!

Now we know, walking into a pole studio can feel incredibly intimidating and scary. We count ourselves out before we even begin. Maybe that voice in your head is saying, “No, I could never do that. I’m not strong enough, not thin enough, not graceful or coordinated enough…..” and the list goes on and on.

Well, we are here to silence that voice and call bull sh**. Yup. That voice is lying to you. We’ve worked with hundreds of beginners and assure you that not only will you learn learn to pole dance as your are, but you’re going to have an amazing time doing it!

95% of our students began pole dancing without any relevant experience. Meaning, they didn’t have dance, cheerleading, gymnastics, or weight training experience to name a few. Many of our students were just getting back into fitness after years of (WORD), and for others, this is their first form of exercise all together.

So where are they now? They’re poling! They’re learning, growing, getting stronger, more flexible, more graceful, more confident, more in touch with their body… this list goes on and on! Wouldn’t you rather be on this list than the former?

You CAN do this, and we are here to guide you. Don’t forget, we were beginners once too. We’ve been in your shoes. The hardest part is walking through that door. Once you do, we’ll take care of the rest.

What can I expect from my first pole class?

  • A classroom full of pole enthusiasts who want to see you succeed. Truly, we are your biggest hype squad and will teach you in a safe, supportive environment.

  • Other beginners like you! Everyone begins their pole journey in our Welcome to Pole! intro class or Friends Night Out! intro class. You are not alone. Everyone in the room has never done anything like this before and is just as curious and eager to learn!

  • Thorough, digestible lesson plans. We’re not here to rush you. We want you to understand exactly what your body is doing at any given moment and we absolutely want you to enjoy yourself in class.

  • Small wins and big wins! Let’s not forget, you’re taking your first pole class, and that’s a big win in itself! You’re going to find that you can do much more than you think you’re capable of, and you’re going to walk away with something you feel accomplished about.

  • Empowering surprises. This is our favorite part. We love unleashing untapped personas, desires, and goals. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a student discover their sensuality, their inner boss bit**, or their inner seductress. We are often expected to hide this side of our self or discard it all together. It’s unreal how unleashing this side of you carries confidence and self awareness in your every day life. It truly is empowering!

Okay….. I’m in. What’s next!?

Amazing! We can’t wait to dance with you! There are a handful of ways to get started:

  • Join us for one of our regularly scheduled intro classes, Welcome to Pole! Signing up is easy, just click the link and select a date and time that works for you. Psssst….. this is a treat for you. Commit to you.
    Click here to sign up for Welcome to Pole!

  • Have a friend who wants to come too? We have a class for that! Our Friends Night Out! class is also an intro class designed for you and your friend to have a night out and to see what pole dancing is all about. Everyone in this class is also a beginner, so together you’ll meet other besties who share the same interest. Here’s the link to sign up for Friends Night Out!

  • Not feeling the classroom vibe? We offer private intro lessons! You’ll receive a custom intro lesson in private environment, all at your pace with just you and your instructor. To schedule your private, email us at

  • Would you like to meet us first? Join us for a studio tour! We love welcoming new guests into our space and would enjoy showing you around and talking about your goals.

Whomever you are; a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a lawyer, a studenta and so on, you CAN do this. At worst, if you try it and don’t like it, you crossed something off your bucket list. At best, you’ve found something personal, empowering, and endlessly fun, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


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