Why Am I Not Seeing Progress?
You took your first class and fell in love. You’ve been taking classes consistently but somehow, despite your efforts, it feels like you’re stuck. And that is frustrating!
Everyone will experience these feelings at various points in their pole journey. As discouraging as this can be, it’s a normal part of the growing process. Something to consider though, is this true? Am I really not progressing? Chances are, you actually are progressing, you just don’t see it in the way you expect. Let’s take a look at some reasons that may be feeling this way and how you can get past this mental slump.
You’re Comparing Yourself
You're the last person in class to get the trick. People who’ve been poling a shorter time than you are “better” than you. You see the industry icons on Instagram and think “I’ll never be this good”. These types of thoughts are the most surefire way to make you feel discouraged. Comparison is the thief of joy.
Everybody is different, and everyone’s pole journey is different. There will always be things that are naturally easier or more challenging, and they will be different from person to person. Just because your growth doesn’t look like the person next to you, doesn’t mean you aren’t progressing.
The Fix: Stop. Easier said than done, I know. But the more you can nip these thoughts in the bud, the happier you will be. Remind yourself of your wins, both big and small. Sometimes, the win of the day is coming to class.
Your Practice Doesn’t Align with your Goals
If you aren’t making progress toward your goal, it’s going to feel discouraging. The question is though, is what you are doing sufficient to meet those goals? If you are only poling one hour a week, that isn’t a lot of time for your body to learn and remember, so it’s going to take time to build a repertoire of tricks and get proficient in the basics. Do you dream of dynamic power pole combos? Those aren’t going to happen without conditioning and strength training. Similarly, if you are wanting to learn bendy tricks, like a Jade, then are you also training your flexibility?
The Fix: Take some time to really look at what you want versus what you are doing. Maybe you need to adjust your goals, or maybe you need to adjust your practice. You don’t have to figure this out on your own either. Talk to your instructors, we want to help and we can help.
You’re Measuring the Wrong Things
The most obvious way to evaluate progression is “what tricks can I do”. But pole is sooooo much more nuanced than that. You may be able to “do” a trick, but how does it look, is it clean and controlled? Are you engaged and secure? Do you know multiple entrances and exits and can you put it in a combo? Does this feel “easier” in your body than it did before? If you are only thinking about checking off a list of tricks, then you are missing all these smaller milestones and victories.
The Fix: Remind yourself to look at the small things. Did this feel easier than it did before? Do I feel more “in control”? Does it look better? Did you have fun? Sometimes it can be hard to answer these questions because progress can be so gradual, which is why you should film yourself. Periodically looking back at older videos is a great way to see more clearly just how much you’ve progressed.
Be Kind to Yourself
At the end of the day, be kind to yourself! It's natural to want to progress and “get better”, but remember to let yourself enjoy the journey. Slumps are going to happen, but don’t let that get the better of you. And don’t forget- your pole family is here for you. Come talk to us, come vent to us- we will remind you how fabulous you are, help you troubleshoot why you aren’t meeting your goals, and will remind you of your accomplishments.