Meet Our Instructors

As a team of pole enthusiasts, our instructors are passionate about sharing their interests and expertise. We prioritize safety, both emotionally and physically, within our space and across our teaching styles. We embrace and celebrate different movement styles, genders, body types, and skill levels. Each instructor brings their own flair to the studio so that you too can discover who you are as a pole dancer while learning from a comprehensive curriculum.

Introducing a pole dance instructor

Meet Megan

Megan wants nothing more than to show you that yes you can do this, as you are, right now. Her students have often expressed to her how they worry that their age, weight, lack of “sexy” or strength is not enough to belong or begin. She assures you, despite what society tells us, there is no one right way to be a pole dancer and here, we celebrate and encourage your individual experience. She recognizes that we all learn differently, we’re all built differently.

“Before my first pole class, I sat in my car for 30 minutes terrified to walk into the studio. I almost didn’t, and to this day I am so grateful that I did. Pole dancing has brought out an inner strength and sense of self assurance that carries into my everyday life. I understand the fear, apprehension, and self-doubt that comes with trying something new like this and I welcome you and encourage you to take a chance on yourself. We’ll take care of the rest.”

When she’s not at the studio, she’s reading, pretending she can garden, or with her friends, family, and cats.

Meeting an Essence pole dance instructor

Get to Know Sammi

One of Sammi’s favorite things about pole dancing is how incredibly empowering it is—the strength, the confidence, and the community that you build is amazing.

“Even though I left public education for the corporate world, teaching remains a passion of mine. I am a nerd for pedagogy—I could ramble on for hours about the "why" behind what, when, and how I teach."

No matter what style or genre she’s teaching, she prioritizes creating a welcoming and encouraging environment that promotes safety, learning, and a sense of personal accomplishment.

Outside of pole, she’s an absolute fiend for jigsaw puzzles and her and her husband live for spoiling their two cats, Edna and Wanda.

An Essence pole dance instructor demonstrates a move

A Little About Hannah

Hannah is known for the hype she brings to her classroom, and by that, we mean high-energy fun! She will never fail to inspire you or provide guidance for whatever it is that you need to move forward. For Hannah, there are no words to describe what it feels like to watch a student accomplish something that they never thought possible.

Outside of the studio, Hannah lives an incredibly active lifestyle. When she’s not playing volleyball, she’s coaching her nieces softball team, playing softball herself, hula hooping, or working towards her own pole skills. As a cat mama, she likes to wind down with her fur babies.

A pole dancing teacher smiles while teaching

Meet Mary

As a pole student, Mary loves the way pole makes her feel proud of herself. It can be challenging and intimidating in so many ways, but seeing her progress and accomplishments is so rewarding! Pole class gives her a chance to press pause on life and focus on herself for a little while, which can be hard to do sometimes!

“The pride I feel when I’m in student mode is nothing compared to the overwhelming joy I have as an instructor. Helping students achieve things they didn’t know they were capable of is so fulfilling. In my class, I like to lighten the mood with a few jokes and lots of 90s/00s throwbacks.”

Outside of the studio, Mary enjoys spending time with her husband, two kids, and dog.

A pole dancing instructor demonstrates a beginner move

Say Hello to Christy

Christy believes pole dancing brings out your inner goddess and loves how pole can make you feel beautiful in your own skin. She loves how it tests your strength both mentally and physically. 

“I love introducing pole dancing to beginners. Showing them how it really is for everyone, all shapes and sizes. That anyone can feel beautiful and fit at the same time. I also enjoy watching new students grow in their skills and seeing them succeed into the next level of dance or pole.”

After just getting a new puppy, Christy loves taking him for walks, hiking the dunes, and going to the beach. She equally enjoys going to concerts or having chill nights at home with her boyfriend, Branden. She loves to travel, so she’s always trying to plan a trip somewhere she’s never been before.

A dance instuctor shows a move on the pole

Get to Know Alicia

Alicia loves that pole gives her time to focus on herself. She loves the challenge that it can provide, and that it pushes her to stay in shape. She enjoys sharing her love for pole with others through conditioning, dance, and tricks. Alicia really enjoys all aspects of pole, but specifically loves tricks and inversions. She brings a relatable attitude, positive vibes, and laughter to all of her classes.

She enjoys teaching and helping others reach their goals, but she also enjoys taking classes to continue to challenge herself and expand her skill base. Alicia is married, and is a mother of three girls.

Outside of the studio, Alicia enjoys working out, rollerblading, going to the beach, going to concerts, and spending time with family and friends.

A dance instructor smiles while pole dancing

A Little About Katie

Katie has always loved to dance and was drawn to pole dancing as a means to continue her creative expression as an adult. She enjoys how it requires the undivided attention of her constantly thinking brain. It forces her to be present and has become a great stress relief for her. Spin pole is her favorite because it makes her feel like she’s flying!

“I love watching my students become comfortable in their bodies while embracing intuitive movement through pole. I enjoy the creative aspect of choreographing dances (especially in my head while driving) and sharing them with students!”

When she's not pole dancing, you can find Katie working as an occupational therapist and hanging out with her family. She has a son who she adores and a dog named Milkshake. When she can find a spare moment in her busy life, she likes to knit, bake, play piano, and practice yoga.

An Essence yoga instructor prepares for class

Meet Chrissy

Chrissy discovered Yoga through her desire to bring peace and calmness into her life.  She received her Advanced Yoga Teacher certification in Costa Rica. Her goal as a teacher is to have her students leave the class feeling relaxed & revived. 

Chrissy enjoys teaching and sharing her tools that aid in her living a life with more peace, calmness, & Self-awareness.  She believes Yoga can be for everybody, and has experience working with a variety of body types.  Yoga welcomes you just as you are. 

Outside of teaching Yoga Chrissy is a pole dancer, that also trains in Boxing & Muay Thai Kickboxing.  Yoga is her time for serenity, while the rest is filled with higher intensity.  Yoga is a key part of bringing balance to her life.

An Essence plus size pole dancer smiles while pole dancing

Introducing Brandy

Brandy found her passion for pole dancing a few years ago when her and a friend and decided to spontaneously try a class together. Little did they know that they would fall in love and become obsessed!

Pole dancing quickly became her favorite outlet and a means to express herself. She’s a tax accountant, so pole helps keep life exciting. She loves to explore various styles and emotions through dance. She can incorporate fun tricks, set goals for herself, and most importantly, have fun!

“As a proudly THICK girly, it was really obvious to me how pole is different on every body. Learning how to use those differences to my advantage has been a fun part of my journey. I’m all about loving on yourself and finding ways to feel safe and happy in our own bodies, so I'm very excited to bring this energy into the classroom!”

Outside of pole, she loves a good book, Pilates and yoga classes, and most of all, being an auntie. She’s happiest when her boots are on, soaking up some sun, playing outside with the kiddos or reading.

Get to Know Whitney

Whitney began her pole journey thinking it was a one-time thing. Never did she think it would become such a big part of her life! She looks forward to coming to class every time, and regardless of how she’s feeling when she walks in, she always leaves feeling graceful and strong.

“I want every student who comes to the studio to feel as welcomed and as comfortable as I do. Essence is not just a pole studio; it’s a community. I am excited to provide support and guidance to my students as they go through their pole journeys and discover how amazing their bodies are.”

Whitney is a new mom to a wonderful son (truly, he’s amazing!) and she’s a proud dog mom. Taking care of both of her boys keeps her really busy. Pole has provided her with an outlet to make sure she makes time for herself and continues to grow.

A Little About Lauren

Coming soon!

Meet Kristy

Kristy loves pole because it’s a fun workout that doesn’t feel like a workout. She also loves the atmosphere and all the support she receives from her fellow pole dancers.

“I’m excited to bring my support and energy to the classroom the same way others have for me.”

When she’s not pole dancing, according to Kristy, she’s your typical old lady. Mother of two teenagers, Executive HR Manager, and she’s involved in her local community including serving on the board for local organizations. We cherish Kristy’s endless laughter, jokes, and the great vibes that she brings to the classroom.