Spring Clense Challenge
We're welcoming Spring with open arms! The fresh air, warmer weather, (hopefully) and liveliness brings an opportunity for self healing through Ayurveda.
What is Ayruveda!?
This is the science of self healing, the sister science to Yoga, which is a science of self awareness and discovery. Like Ying & Yang, they make each other whole and together is where the magic truly lies.
According to Ayurveda, Spring brings a beautiful opportunity to cleanse the body. As we're sure you remember, winter brings more of the element air, which chaps our lips and dries our skin. This dry season causes toxins to be stored primarily in our winter fat reserves.
In early spring, nature returns the moisture which begins to loosen toxins for removal.
Rejuvenate and welcome spring with our Spring Cleanse Yoga Challenge for some extra detox.
Step 1:
First thing in the morning, use a tongue scraper to scrape off the layer of toxins that accumulate on our tongue overnight. (A spoon works great too!)
Step 2:
Drink a minimum 16 ounces of warm water. (Add lemon & Himalayan salt for extra credit!)
Step 3:
Perform 5 minutes of Sun Salutations a day. (morning or night, both work great!)
Step 4:
Don't forget to add those spring veggies to your plate.
Simple enough, right?!
Cleanse, renew, and feel great walking into Spring.